Putting together a Tea Towel Fundraiser for your school can be a fun and creative way to raise funds for the PC or for extra activities for the students.
This creative exercise allows students to express themselves by printing either a self-portrait, a hand-print, a sketch or a signature onto a tea towel of their choice.
Alternatively, if you want a simple design option, you could use your school logo, a sketch or a class list.
Parents usually go nuts for these items and buy them in bulk. The benefit of this type of item is the more you print the more profit the campaign will bring.
Get 100 White Cotton Tea Towels printed and delivered from $6.20 each
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Decorating Ideas For Your School Tea Towel
Whatever the type of students, these projects can be fun for them to participate in. All they need is an A5 sheet of paper and a black Texta pen. Then allow their creative juices to flow free.
- Each preschool student could supply a hand print and teachers could add their names under each handprint
- Grade school students could supply simple “self-portraits” (see photograph below).
- High school students, sports team members etc could provide their signatures, perhaps accompanied by their personal “logos” or favourite quotes.
Particularly effective for pre-schools, but also for schools in general, these class Fundraising Tea Towels make amazing gifts. Parents tend to order several at a time, which in turn increases the average spend per customer, allowing fundraising goals to be met much quicker and easier.
These items possess great appeal, especially for grandparents, aunts, uncles and family friends who cherish a tea towel featuring a handprint or hand-drawn self-portrait of one of their own clan.
There are two main approaches to achieving the desired design finishes.
The less common way is to buy blank tea towels and have members of your group paint them, using fabric paints or fabric dye sticks.
The second option is by far the most lucrative and easiest: have your tea towel (or dish towel) designed by your group members. Then print them in bulk.
We can print and ship Australia-wide. It doesn’t matter where your school is located, our team can organise and deliver everything to you.
Get Started With a School Fundraiser
Yes, I want to do a fundraiser. What now?
Getting Organised
Before you start your fundraiser, get organised and work out all the details:
- Which products do you want to promote
- Make a sample of what it might look like
- Work out how many students will do the designs
- The campaign dates
- When you need the designs by
- When you need to place the order with sufficient time
- Costs and the fundraising margin, and minimum orders
- Goals you want to achieve. Why are you fundraising?
Prepare all the materials
To get started, prepare the promotional materials you will need. This could include the following:
- Writing a sale letter for the newsletter
- Preparing posters and advertising materials for the fundraiser
- Putting together samples and templates to help sell the offer
- Writing persuasive letters to parents, carers or guardians
Promote the fundraiser
Tell everyone about the details and promote the fundraiser. But how?
- Run notices in your newsletter. Maybe do a countdown over a number of weeks. Offer discounts for early or pre-purchases
- Display the sample in a common area so everyone will have a chance to see the size and quality
- Put up posters with the details of your fundraiser
- Prepare and distribute parent order letters
After the promotional period, you will need to decide whether to continue with the campaign or cancel it.
You might decide to cancel if you did not get an acceptable minimum order number. Let us assume that you did get enough orders.
Prepare the Artwork
Organise the students, who are going to participate and submit their drawings or prints. Get them to cut in half some blank A4 papers and turn them into A5 size paper ready for drawing their design.
Earlier, we described what type of artwork to provide. The three most popular types of artwork are:
- Handprints
- Self-portraits
- Photos
Then, you can decide which type of artwork the class with be undertaking:
- Handprints. To get the best results with handprints do not dip hands in the paint. This creates too much smudging ( and it’s very messy). Use a roller or dab the paint on the hand with a sponge before pressing on the paper
- Self-portrait. Designs can be done using black textas or crayons.
- Have students draw a picture of themselves
- Photos. Students could take a photo in class or they could provide their own photo
- Individual prints. Students could do an individual print on an A4 piece of paper using any kind of colour paint or crayon.
- Collect all the drawings, logos and artwork
Make sure each student puts their name onto their artwork. Ideally, their names and the class should be written at the bottom edge of the paper, or under the drawing.
Once complete, use your phone or a digital camera and take photos of the kid’s artwork. 2-4 images at a time will be sufficient. Click the “Get Started with a School Fundraiser” and follow the prompts.
You can upload the children’s artwork (in bulk) as a simple drag-and-drop function during the order process. We take care of the design work.
Or if you want a special design. Upload your preferred design during the order process. Happy Fundraising everybody.